Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year- New Beginning

Today I went to a new bible study at the church that I mentioned in the previous post. I saw it in the bulletin on Sunday morning and I thought it would be perfect for me because they even have child care- and it was! It was exactly what I thought it would be and then again it was different. I knew that we were going to be doing a Beth Moore study (and I LOVE her studies... even though I had only done one other one years ago) and I can't wait to get into it and do my "homework" for this week! Watching the introduction to the study already got me fired up! Anyways, so I show up and of course I'm the youngest there... but there was a group of women who can't be much older than me and they have children closer to Gabe's age too, and they invited me to sit at the "Young table" as they called it because there really is a lot of 'older' women there. They warned me before it began that they talk alot and might get some stares from the old ladies (and they did!) but it wasn't too much to where it was distracting. (well not for me anyway!) To sum up (because I could just ramble on and it seems that I have a bit!) I had a great time getting to meet new ladies and the bible study, I believe, will be so enriching for me! I have been  needing something like this and I'm so glad that I have found it... it's like God has literally been pointing me this way and like Beth said today in the study "He is PURSUING ME!!!" That feels great!
Gabe did wonderful again in the "nursery"... he didn't cry when I dropped him off- granted he was in a room FULL of nothing but girls... he was in heaven! It makes me so happy to come back and see him playing and not worrying where I have gone to, but then it really makes me realize how much he is growing up... he's not my little "baby" anymore. Speaking of that, he has gone 3 nights in a row with no paci and just went down for the 4th nap without one! I sure hope that potty training him will be just as easy as getting him off the bottle and now paci... although I guess he could "relapse" but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Alright, I've got clothes in the wash and need to pick up around the house a bit while my own personal tornado is down for a nap and I can have a few hours of cleanliness before he awakes!

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