Monday, September 21, 2009

Renaissance Festival!

This weekend we took Gabe to the Renaissance Festival here in Maryland and he loved it! I was amazed at how much people got "into" it... EVERYONE was dressed up! Gabe loved to stare at everyone and there was music everywhere and he loves music. I have a video of him dancing in the stroller listening to a couple play and sing. He just starting swaying when we were passing so I stopped and he just stared and listened! He was so stinkin' cute!
We went with a friend, Ben, and he and Seth are just too funny together! I have two pictures to share of the two of them being silly with props and then with some ladies dressed up at the festival. We all really had a great time and can't wait to go back for October Fest in a few weeks!

Gabe has really starting walking recently. He really started last week just standing up by himself and taking off for a few steps. As of yesterday he makes it quite a ways and I just get so tickled! To  be honest, the first few times that he actually made it across the living room and into the computer room to Seth I teared up! I don't know if it was pure happiness or just thankfulness that he actually is doing it!!
I have videos that I need to upload of him doing that also (will have next blog... or even tonight!)

Seth has taken off for the week so we can try and get some site-seeing in since we still haven't. Today we got shopping for diapers in! Hey, one outing is enough for big man in between naps unless you plan to make it a REALLY long day! We went to the mall and ate at a new favorite of mine- Chevy's (Mexican) and went to Costco to buy our diapers and wipes in bulk... Seth is like a kid in Costco, there really is so much to see and WANT there, but you out Gabe on his shoulders and Gabe leads the way! He loves to ride on Daddy's shoulders- guess he likes to be the one to look down on us for once.
Well that's it for now... I'll try and get a video of Gabe up walking before he wakes from his nap.
Much love!

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